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Multi-Dimensional Experience (MdX)

Most companies know the concepts of Customer Experience, User Experience and luckily since few years ago we have been talking more and more about the Employee Experience. There is no doubt that all of them are significantly important, but these are not the only dimensions of experience that we must attend to.

From the management of the Supplier Experience or the Stakeholders Experience to the Shareholder Experience, it should occupy us because each of them is interrelated with the others.

Success is not a zero sum game. Success is not reaching a destination, but success is the journey and how we travel that path.

No one discusses the Employee Experience and its interrelationship with CX anymore. In this way, the number of companies that begin to work with the EX has increased, a fact in which the need for a digital transformation accelerated by the covid-19 pandemic has had a great impact.

With EX we refer not only to the emotional salary but also to the design of processes and points of contact between the company and its employees in order to improve their commitment to the brand.

But we have other dimensions of experiences that are not managed or are managed by very few brands.

We can thus speak of the experience of suppliers, the experience of business partners, the experience of shareholders and the experience of society or stakeholders.

The design of these experiences is based on the identification of the 'moments' of emotional bond between people, brands, in the achievement of an objective or the satisfaction of a need and the memories that these moments produce.

Individual experiences condition the perception of each person about the brand, its products and services.

Logically, no company wants to generate unsatisfactory, deficient or simply provide a bad experience; but actually, the understanding of this isue that the brand has and the experience perceived by those who interact with them are often dissociated and discordant.

Understanding the relationship between each dimension of experiences is essential, it is cristal clear that a bad supplier experience will undoubtedly be seen in the product or service and will affect the customer experience. Similar to what happens with employees.

Let's talk a little more about these new dimensions of experience.

Supplier experience

Working on the supplier's experience helps us to strengthen the collaboration and innovation processes that must be developed to be successful in a competitive globalized world.

As any process, must be mapped and designed in order to seek deliver an extraordinary experience, it goes without saying that if a supplier does not want to sell to one brand or charges more for a supply than another, will be at a disadvantage with its competition.

And we are not just talking about payment, price contests, delivery processes, etc. they are essential to work to avoid points of friction.

The supplier experience directly affects the cost, quality, sustainability and technology of the company's products and services.

At this moment we have seen a fundamental and permanent change in supply chain relationships and organizations that have focused on #SX

Suppliers are not interchangeable, a good #SX makes them partners, working in the best way and generating a competitive advantage.

The brands that work in #SX recognize that their growth depends on the strength of their supplier base, relationship, transparency and the ability to provide an experience of excellence so that the relationship with each supplier flourishes.

Business Partner Experience

We understand a business partner as a commercial entity with which our company has some form of alliance or mutually beneficial agreement.

Whether just to take advantage of synergies or to sell one another's products or complement each other commercially, the experience we provide to our associates can benefit or harm the economic activity of both, jointly and separately.

For example, designing the processes, products and/or services where we complement offers or unite is fundamental, but not thinking about the experience that customers or users will obtain, but about the experience of our company and our partner, the trip carried out by them, from the relationship during negotiation to even the exchange of information or the distribution of income.

Stakeholder experience

Stakeholders, interested groups or society in general are those groups or persons involved with the company or who may affect or be affected by the actions, objectives and policies of the organization.

Some will also be customers, suppliers or even employees; but in this case we refer more to the global actions of the company and the relationship of society with it.

The experience provided will go hand in hand with the customer experience, but this must be focused on groups or members of society in which the brand influences or acts, without pursuing commercial objectives directly.

We cannot think about corporate social responsibility without being aware of the experience we provide to the different stakeholders, identifying it, improving processes and designing each point of contact.

The identification, analysis, planning and implementation of actions to influence society must pursue an experience that will be designed to be exceptional.

It is imperative to have an engagement strategy and to identify the needs of key groups, in order to ensure that they are met and that points of friction disappear or are substantially improved.

Shareholder Experience

Shareholders are a very specific group of stakeholders, and ultimately the owners of the business, therefore, will want to see that the business performs well in order to obtain a return on their investment.

Their trip must also be designed and pay special attention to each point of contact and those possible points of friction, although they don't need to know all the details of the other dimensions of experiences, business continuity also depends on this.

Beyond the results in terms of income and profits, the shareholders need to be satisfied in terms of the continuity of the business over time; a bad experience can even cause them to divest from our brand.

After all, we are emotional beings who have learned to reason.

Companies, suppliers as well as customers or the entire society, are groups made up of people and the change that we must go through is a cultural change.

Brands must focus on generating an Emotional Culture in order to survive, they must find a way to improve every aspect of the relationship with each one of those involved.

Generate good emotions, which are transformed into positive memories, which define our satisfaction and are translated into actions, which will keep the company in business and prospering.

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